The cannabis industry has a garbage problem. The good news is there are compostable packaging options for cannabis products that meet all regulations, tick all the boxes for freshness and user-friendliness, and don’t cost a fortune!
All Things Packaging
News, information, resources, and more about cannabis and CBD packaging, design, development, logistics, and supply chain solutions. If it’s related to cannabis packaging, our experts are writing about it!

There is so much you can do with mylar bag production and design to make your cannabis products and brand stand out. Here are the top five ways cannabis brands can use the extensive mylar packaging options provided by New World Packaging to capture consumer attention and boost sales.

Prototypes and samples are a critical part of developing packaging for your cannabis products. In a highly regulated industry with long lists of unique packaging requirements, investing in experimentation to ensure your packaging will work in the real world is imperative.

The best cannabis brands have three critical things in common – they have compelling brand stories, messaging that sets them apart from other brands, and creative design elements that effectively communicate their brand personalities to target audiences. Does your cannabis brand do all of that?

Learn the top 3 reasons why companies are moving manufacturing from China to Mexico and what that means for cannabis packaging, cannabis brands, and the companies behind those brands.

It's that time of year again - Chinese New Year is just around the corner, which means your business needs to plan ahead to avoid delays in receiving the packaging you need for your products. If your packaging manufacturer is in China, this holiday can have a significant impact on your supply chain!

As 2022 inches to a close, it’s a perfect time to take a look at the hottest cannabis packaging products of the past 12 months. Why are these products so popular? Because they’re helping many cannabis brands improve awareness, distribution, and sales. Bottom-line, cannabis brands should be using these packaging products if they want to win in their markets in 2023.

Everyone working in the cannabis industry knows the industry has a significant negative effect on the environment in numerous ways. But just like any other industry, there are steps your business can take to minimize those effects. In fact, some of these steps can help your business gain a long-term competitive advantage, which will lead to increased sales and revenue.

Custom box cannabis packaging is essential for cannabis brands to secure retail shelf space and boost consumer sales. Today, more than ever, packaging affects purchase decisions. This includes cannabis product purchase decisions. This “Ultimate Custom Box Guide” will help you learn everything you need to know about designing and producing custom box cannabis packaging that piques consumer interest and effectively boosts sales.

The vast majority of cannabis packaging is single-use, which means it’s used once and discarded adding massive amounts of waste to the planet. Most cannabis brands aren’t using fully-recyclable and sustainable packaging yet, despite the fact that multiple states are already implementing laws related to sustainability in the cannabis industry. The writing is on the wall, and the time to shift to sustainable packaging for your cannabis products is now.

As the cannabis industry evolves, it’s more important than ever to have amazing packaging that communicates your brand’s promise, catches consumers’ eyes, and motivates them to buy. But that doesn’t mean you need to invest in expensive packaging. In fact, it’s highly likely that you’re overpaying for packaging.

Cannabis and CBD product packaging is unique with a myriad of rules that change from one state to the next. Manufacturers and brands need to choose a packaging provider who understands the cannabis and CBD markets, has experience in their industry, and can provide help to create the best, compliant packaging possible.
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